Wednesday, May 6, 2020

SWOT Analysis and Recommended Policies †

Question: Discuss about the SWOT Analysis and Recommended Policies. Answer: Introduction The headquarters of the organization are located in Hobart Tasmania. There are about 800 workers working in the organization. The organization provides complete life cycle and process to the salmon, by the help of which, the phase of reproduction gets completed with a fast speed and output generated are also correct in the definite manner. The best feature of the Tassal is that it assists in providing assistance for managing the best quality Salmon for the consumers as the consumers are identified as their main priority. To manage sustainability aspects and to bring specific well-being for the better tomorrow, the organization is making best possible efforts as well (World Ocean Review, 2017). The methodology and working structure of the organization is considered quite different in comparison to the other organizations. Before using Salmon, the basic requirement of the organization is to feed them and make them appropriate for the consumptions of the customers. To define the success of the organization, some of the most important achievements identified in the organization are shown below: In the year 2010, the organization is identified with the availability of the fresh canned products related to Salmon. Apart from this, the wide range of beauty products are also provided. In 2011, the community services get improved by providing services for the breast cancer (Government, 2016). In 2012, the organization is benchmarked with fish farming and other services related to it. Apart from this, various achievements are also noticeable in different years as well. As it is identified that the organization possesses a renowned structure for the development on an international as well as on local level. The organization is involved in various community services too. The cyclic process for the production of Salmon is identified on an organizational level. The organization generally focuses on the 5 Ps strategy which is mainly identified as the people, product, planet, process and profit. By focusing on these aspects, the organization is capable in managing sustainability as well as the market values of Salmon may also get raised simultaneously. The diagram for showing these aspects is also shown below with specific explanation: International market in contrast to Australia The international market for fishing is growing with a rapid speed. The market is full of opportunities and approximations. The growth ratio is continuously increasing in a well-focused and approachable manner as well. The growth aspects are very sharpened and flexible for the whole fish industry (Smith, 2016). But, if the Salmon are considered on separate basis, the industry and international growth of the business will become quite slow. Though the Tassal is offering wide range of Salmon and the strategy related to the sustainability is also well focused, but still the management on an Australian level is quite difficult (Fitzgerald, 2013). The process of cultivation and breeding of Tassal is very long and time taken too. So, for managing the aspects on the international level, the major steps should be planned in a definite manner. For providing the most suitable platform for an improvement, the platform should also be defined in a specific mode as well (Horvat, 2014). The practice of sustainability is identified as one of the most specific feature which may help in securing the environment as well as support for the development of the organization (FRDC, 2014). The practices for sustainability in the organization are highly appreciated. The organization covers the phase of sustainability in a totally different manner. For managing sustainability, the health of Salmon is considered on the highest priority. The Salmon for the organization is identified similar to other animals that possess right of surviving with a healthy life system. It is necessary to look after their surviving practices. For making the sustainability appreciable, the organization also open their farms outside the city. This will help in solving two purposes, the first purpose is the survival of the salmon in fresh water which will help in improving their existing numbers and the second purpose is preventing environment as well. These sustainable practices may be helpful in providing definite aspects related to the organization (Commonwealth of Australia , 2015). Role of planning and strategy The planning and strategy for the survival of salmon is precise and accurate. The organization possesses its specific sustainability strategy and planning. For managing the planning, various researchers and scientists have come up with their planned approach as well. The food and nutrition of the salmon is managed with specific sources and definite food habits. To provide suitable nutrition to the fishes, the food elements are assorted from different resources. Tassal also have specific Fish management plans which aids in providing the best breed of the salmon (Ryan, 2016). The strategy of the organization to breed and consume is based on 3 years plan. In three-year plan, for the first one and half year, salmon is survived in the fresh water and in second phase i.e. the second one and half year, the salmon survives in the sea. This innovative strategy adapted by the organization helps in creating the positive impact on the cultivation of salmon. The life cycle of the Salmon is defined below with help of suitable diagram. The role of planning is also considered as equally important. According to Mr. Rockliff, in the processing of planning, definite aspects for surviving of the salmon fish will be planned. There are various methods and techniques which helps in providing assistance for the breeding and cultivation (Zhao Fan, 2015). The planning may also assist in protecting the marine and install the basic amenities related to the organizational requirement as well. Human resource management The Human resource management or the developmental aspects related to the human resource is identified as one of the aspect which helps in providing specific improvement on the organizational level. The only aim of the organization is not only to make more money; apart from this, the organization is also focusing on prevention of life of salmon and maintains sustainability too. Likewise, in the country named as Tanzania, the fishing industry is expanding with a very fast rate. The human resource department provides efficient aspects related to the recruitment and management for the team. By this, specific aspects related to the organization can be managed on a large scale. The different tasks which are managed with the help of human resource development are identified below: The methods of cultivation related to the salmon are identified by the Human resource department of the organization. The department will aid in providing assistance for the new strategy and innovation associated with the organization. The hiring and recruiting of suitable team members for managing the process is also identified with the help of human resource team. This team will also help in providing specific assistance for organizing definite mentoring sessions for the new hires. The scientists and researchers are also hired for the growth and development of the organization as well. Apart from this, the human resource department also helps in managing marketing and sales ideas for the organization. By managing the marketing ideas, the sales of Salmon can also get increased easily. Apart from this, the new innovations may also be identified for the sale of salmon (Araya Krishnan, 2014). The international expansion and identification of the most developed factor will be helpful in generating more revenue for the organization. The expansion strategy for the salmon may also be identified with the help of the human resource team. Other than this, there are various marketing aspects which are identified at an initial level. The human resource team helps in providing specific assistance as well. The leadership aspects of the organization are improved and specific. Through the process of leadership, variations in leading actual concepts are identified. The leadership is considered as one of the major factor in improving the life cycle and process related to the cultivation of salmon. In fact, to manage the leadership on the international level, specific programs also get introduced in the organization. Apart from this, other aspects related to the leadership may also be identified through which the employees and team members can coordinate with each other in a specific manner. To manage the aspect related to the sustainable development and to follow the sustainable practice in the organization, it is essential to manage specific sources in an organized form. The sustainable practices and the development of new innovations is considered as the primary requirement related to the organization. To pursue all these perspectives, the proper leadership aspect is essential (Developme nt, 2010). The leaders are recruited for the specific teams and procedure. The purpose for recruiting these candidates is to maintain the process related to the salmon industry. The major changes which are observed in the leadership program are identified after the year 2010 in the organization. The organization plans for the specific approach for the leadership as well. Controlling the value chain and technology To manage the value chain and technology related to the organization, various efforts are planned. For making easier production, it is required that the organization plans definite strategy in a well approached manner. The cyclic procedure and well managed aspects are required for identifying best possible ways for controlling the value chain. According to Ryan for value chain, the simple steps are planned on a beneficial level (Ryan, 2016). Some of the aspects related to the value chain are defined below: Management of sales mix to increase the sale and optimize returns. Successful management of Dec Coste Food. The De Coste food is identified as one of the famous food for the common people in Australia. Best practices related to the sustainability which may help in providing methods of improvement and development (FRDC, 2017). The other aspects are also identified to manage the value chain procedure for the organization. The value chain will be helpful in improving the existing scenario associated to the organization. For the usage of technology, specific assistance which is provided to the organization related to the best use of the services and softwares defined for further management of the procedures. The technology for cultivation and breeding will be utilized on a large scale. In fact, the new techniques are identified for the storage of Salmon. The canned and packed food products are identified with the help of cultivation of the salmon as well. The technical contribution is identified as one of the major contribution through which the organization can improve in a definite manner. Future Strategies The planning of future strategies is identified as the major priority. To manage future strategy, the specific steps should be planned in a correct direction. The ideas can be generated from previous data and information related to the organization as well. The strategies are helpful in providing platform for the growth and development in a specific manner. The first strategy is related to the increment of sale of Salmon. Still, the Salmon is out of reach from the rural areas. The common customers from these areas are not capable to consume these products. For the expansion of the sale and to make product reachable for consumers, the strategy is required to be managed and maintained in the correct direction (Carlyon Salmon, 2017). The second strategy which should be planned is related to the expansion of the organization on international basis. This international expansion will aid in opening doors for increasing the sales of salmon on a wide level. As the organization is capable in defining the packed and canned products, so it could become possible to manage selling of the products on an international level as well. The third strategy related to the organization is the maintenance of sustainability and continuous improvement in aspects related to the sustainability. These aspects of sustainability may be helpful in providing assistance for the improvement and management as well. The strategy related to these aspects will assist in defining the suitable image related to the organization. Other than this, the contribution in community will also help in clarifying the image of the organization (Villalba, 2016). By identifying the strategies and sustainability practices from the above sources, it can be concluded that the future of Salmon industry is bright and specific. The only requirement is the explanation of the specific industry and planning should also be appropriate (Araya Krishnan, 2014). It is recommended that the ideas from various sources should be generated in a definite manner. Apart from this, it is also recommended that for international marketing and sales of products, it is essential to promote a product on the wide level too. The strategic planning is considered as the key source for an improvement. References Araya, T. Krishnan, M., 2014. SWOT analysis and recommended policies and strategies of Eritrean fisheries. Carlyon, P. Salmon, G., 2017. Salmon wars: EPA halts Tassal's dredging plan after Huon Aquaculture's objections, Available at: Commonwealth of Australia , 2015. Australias seafood trade, Available at: Development, M. o. L. a. F., 2010. Fisheries sector development programme, Available at: Fitzgerald, M., 2013. Successful strategies for sustainable salmon. FRDC, 2014. How does the size of the Australian seafood industry compare to others around the world?, Available at: FRDC, 2017. National seafood industry leadership program, Available at: Government, A., 2016. Aquaculture industry in Australia, Available at: Horvat, P., 2014. Building a seafood marketing plan, Available at: Ryan, M., 2016. Tassal MD CEO on FY2016 results and growth outlook, Available at: Smith, M., 2016. Fish on ice as Tassal farm plan reviewed, Available at: Tassal Team, 2017. Tassal official website. [Online] Available at: Villalba, L., 2016. Corporate Partnerships: the new (and right) path to sustainability, Available at: World Ocean Review, 2017. Toward more sustainable fisheries. [Online] Available at: Zhao, C. Fan, X., 2015. Tassel Removal Positively Affects Biomass Production Coupled with Significantly Increasing Stem Digestibility in Switchgrass, Available at:

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