Friday, February 28, 2020

Recreational Land Use Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Recreational Land Use - Article Example Local stakeholders often resist recreational land use and managament due to legislations that requires the use of â€Å"fully protected† zones and zones for a â€Å"range of sustainable uses.† Examples of policies in which recreational land use is popular includes those of Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (Gray, Canessa, Rollins, et al., 170). Thus, managers are often confronted with the dilemma of creating a MPA zoning plan that would address both the legal and environmental perspectives. Stipulated from the article, historical and current events revealed a need to engage stakeholders in early planning stage of MPA zoning in order to gain stakeholders’ understanding and achievement of social and biological objectives. In addition, Parks Canada is currently developing a draft national zoning framework for NMCAs that may include up to five zone types (Gray, Canessa, Rollins, et al., 169). This current event will guide NMCA zoning and allow site flexibility in order to recognize the ecological value of the region, preserve marine ecosystem, and allow sustainable land use. Researchers also see the need to recognize and change MPA zoning plan based on setting types for boating – from â€Å"primitive† to â€Å"concentrated/semi-modern† ROS classes. Primitive ROS may meet the boaters’ satisfaction because of low intensity of use, fully protected zones, undisturbed environment, and decreased potential for public opposition; however, if managers are seeking for a balance between boaters’ satisfaction, zoning decisions, and NMCA regulations, the â€Å"semi-primitive† or the â€Å"concentrated/semi-modern† ROS would be much better. Because of the several conflicts being identified, the authors of the article suggest future studies of temporal zoning and conflict resolution between recreational boating and other marine activities. Reflecting on the article, I believe that it was not the

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Electric cars vs hybrid cars Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Electric cars vs hybrid cars - Research Paper Example This paper analyses the advantages and disadvantages of electric and hybrid cars as a move to reduce the rate at which CO2 is emitted in the atmosphere, and explains the reasons as to why hybrid cars are preferable than electric cars. First, what is an electric car? An electric car is powered or propelled by an electric motor that is powered by a rechargeable battery pack. These batteries can be recharged by household electricity. These cars do not use gasoline, instead they get their power from a controller which regulates the amount of power based on the acceleration rate (â€Å"Electric Cars a definitive guide†, n.d). Electric cars are environmentally friendly because they emit less or do not emit carbons than their counterparts that use gasoline but they do use rare metals that are used in manufacturing their batteries. This means zero emission of carbons to the environment; they do not contribute to climate change like those vehicles that use gasoline. In addition, electric cars do not use fossil fuels; they do not have internal combustion engines because they completely depend on rechargeable batteries. Furthermore, when the engine of an electric car is on, there is no noise as compared to gas-powered vehicle thus giving people a quiet ride. Further, the silent nature of electric cars makes them not associated with the issue of noise pollution (â€Å"Advantages and disadvantages of electric cars†, n.d). Another, advantage of electric cars is that they reduce air pollution since they do not emit pollutants. Furthermore, they have reduced green house gas emissions from the onboard source of energy depending on the technology and fuel used for generation of electricity to charge the batteries is clean (â€Å"Electric cars a look into the future†, n.d). In addition, there advantages of electric cars is that they have high energy efficient level since electric motors have the capability to convert 75% of the chemical energy from the