Monday, December 30, 2019

Music Censorship Essay - 2897 Words

Censorship in Music When listening to the radio, most people come across a song that has been changed from its original version, whether certain words are beeped out, or a string of lyrics are replaced altogether. This is censorship, and it is very common on the radio. It is also very controversial. People don’t agree what should be censored or if anything should be censored at all. However, we believe that censorship is a good thing. Censorship allows offensive music to be altered so that it is not offensive anymore. It also prevents younger children from being exposed to harsh and inappropriate content in a society where access to music is growing. The positives of censorship outweigh the negatives by far. What is Censorship?†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ironically, The Real Slim Shady also includes anti-censorship message, pointing out what Eminem sees as double standards about what kinds of speech are considered acceptable in popular culture.† This station was also issued a $7,000 fine. Even though it was an edited version of the song, and all curse words were bleeped out, the FCC was determined that it was an indecency. (The FCC, Radio amp; Censorship†) In Canada there was a similar case in 2011 that was with the song â€Å"Money for Nothing† by Dire Straits, with the use of the word â€Å"faggot†. The Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council (CBSC) banned the use of this word any more. This certain incident to most other broadcasters, and music critics seemed completely irrational. This was unreasonable because of the context of the word and the song aired twenty-five years earlier. There was a significant amount of disagreement with the decision of the CBSC, some stations chose to play the song over and over for an hour, and others just spoke out about it on their broadcasts. Higher authority got involved soon after. The Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), after receiving numerous complaints on the ruling of the CBSC, requested that the CBSC consider the specific context of the lyric. (Radio Censorship) Black and White Explicit Content Label The black and white explicit content label, also called the parental advisory label, was firstShow MoreRelatedCensorship And Censorship Of Music1544 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout the years, music has evolved and transformed in many ways. However, there are restrictions in today’s music, otherwise known as, censorships. A crisis has emerged concerning the issue of censorship. This argument consists of two possible stances: one, supporting the continuation of censorship, and two, eliminating the status quo of censorships in the music industry. There have been countless debates and arguments regarding the issues of censorship ever since the U.S. Congress passed theRead MoreEssay on Music Censorship1049 Words   |  5 PagesMusic Censorship   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today, in the 1990s, citizens in our society are being bombarded with obscene material from every direction. From the hate lyrics of Guns N Roses to the satanic lyrics of Montley Crue and Marilyn Manson to the sexually explicit graphical content of todays movies, the issue is how much society is going to permit and where we, as a society, should we draw the line. The freedom of speech has always been considered a right, but that doesnt mean that you can shout, FireRead MoreCensorship in Music Essays1076 Words   |  5 PagesCensorship in Music Censorship in music has been a major problem plaguing America since the early nineteen forties. It came to a head during the nineteen sixties with the Vietnam War and the hippie movement. During the nineteen seventies and eighties heavy metal and hard rock were getting the brunt of the censorship heat. Now in the nineteen nineties the major focus of censorship is rap; primarily gangster rap. Some of the main factors of music in general that cause legal ramifications are sexualRead MoreThe Problem Of Music Censorship1280 Words   |  6 PagesAttention Getter: Imagine yourselves listening to music at a party, you’re jumping around yelling, screaming, and majority of the time singing or rapping along to whatever song is playing. Now imagine every other word, or whole verses in the song getting bleeped out frequently because of the message it presents even though you have the right to listen to whatever you so desire. This is the problem of music censorship we all face today. B. Relevance: BeingRead MoreMusic Censorship Essay625 Words   |  3 PagesMusic Censorship Since the being of time people have been making and listening to music. Music has been considered the best way to express ourselves. The Bible even talks about how music was used to praise God. Music has been used for all type of things ranging from to getting a girl to notice guy, trying to get over a broken heart, or maybe losing a love one. Now society says that music has become too violent and sexually oriented. Many people have different point of view on this topic someRead More Music Censorship Essay640 Words   |  3 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Why is it that when a person that listens to music that may promote violence and contains â€Å"objectionable† lyrics does a bad thing, families are quick to point out that it was external materials such as the music that influenced the person to do it? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This is the controversy over music censorship. Music censorship is the attempt or action taken by any agency to limit or hold back anything in music that a community may find offensive to its beliefs or valuesRead MoreEssay on Censorship of Music1406 Words   |  6 PagesCensorship of Music In todays society, all types of music artists are expressing their views, opinions and feelings in their songs about what they see and what they know. This is on of the great things about this country, the freedom to express yourself. It is not fair, nor is it constitutional that music should be censored in anyway. It is not only rap music trying to be censored it is in all types of music. They are taking away their rights and it isnt fair. As reported in the New York TimesRead More Music Censorship Essay3364 Words   |  14 Pagesfuss about? Censorship, Government officials, and raving mad protesters alike have been trying to stop the expressive creativity in everything from rap music to Mark Twain. Censorship in music is a topic that has brought about much controversy in the past two decades. There have been many different arguments on the topic, however the question still remains as if it should be censored or it should not be censored. In Paul Blanshard’s book The Right To Read: The Battle Against Censorship, he speaksRead More Music Censorship Essay2636 Words   |  11 Pageslyrics. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Since the dawn of musical expression, there have been people trying to stop or hinder the constitutional right to listen and enjoy music of all forms. There were ordinary, everyday people during the infancy of Rock N’ Roll in the 1960’s who made it their mission in life to stop so-called â€Å"obscene† music like the Beatles song â€Å"Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds,† from polluting our airwaves and minds. These groups succeeded in banning some songs from the radio, but mostRead More Music Censorship Essay862 Words   |  4 Pageskind of music they listen to and to take that right away from anyone would be more offensive than having the president of the United States of America get oral sex in the oval office, one of the most honored places in the country. People get more worked up over the things in life that mean nothing, than worrying about crucial issues. Our society can tolerate watching parents smack their children in *Wal-Ma rt more than they can stand to hear a curse word, or a sexual comment in a song. Music is an expression

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Slavery, Black Wall Street - 2450 Words

Jacqueline Turner GWST Dr. Rago 4/26/15 In my paper, I will be discussing capitalism, slavery, â€Å"Black Wall Street† and â€Å"White Wall Street. Racism and capitalism are intertwined. In order to ever racially balance capitalism, we will need to eradicate racism. This affects all of us, no matter our race. Capitalism is often seen as a dirty word. Who holds the power when it comes to capitalism? White males have historically been the power holders, and they still hold it today. They are seen as the educated and innovative creators of businesses, organizations, and corporations, past and present. Are they really that creative, educated, and innovative, or are they the only ones that have really been afforded the opportunities to be so? Capitalism flourished in areas where there was already a split in labor due to gender. It flourished in Britian, and then in Europe and the United States of America. If we look back on the 19th century, white men were out working, while the white women were caring for the c hildren and the home. Thank goodness this has changed some. Oh, the women are out working, they just aren’t getting equal wages as the men. Slavery and exploitation of minorities fortified the white man’s status and position as far as power and economics. White men owned all the capitalist organizations, factories, railroads, and businesses. White men pretty much owned everything and ran everything. The 20th century was much the same as far as theShow MoreRelatedWall Street : A Symbol Of Economic Oppression And Racial Inequality1123 Words   |  5 PagesThis brings me to what I call â€Å"White Wall Street†. Wall Street today is still a symbol of economic oppression and racial inequality. Wall Street was founded on slavery to begin with. Wall Street is located in New York City. New York City was originally a Dutch settlement called New Amsterdam. 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Those who were uneducated believed what another slave said, or what their masters said, they had no knowledge of rules or what happened outside of slavery. Solomon refused to believe what other slaves told him or what his masters tried to bestow upon him. When Solomon went out with the men who were supposed to be some sort of band, I cannot say I fully trusted them as Solomon did. Even when he wasRead MoreThe Controversial Debate Of Reparations973 Words   |  4 Pagesmobs with nooses slung over trees,† president Obama. The case of Plessy v Ferguson allowed racial segregation of public facilities. This was later revised by the Supreme Court case brown v board of education. Or the untold historical event of black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma and many other similar events across the United States. Today African Americans are victims of multi-generational oppression, impoverishment and unjust enrichment. Some scholars agree these factors are directly correlatedRead MoreWoman Of Pride By Zora Neal Hurston1222 Words   |  5 Pageseach scene in the story. â€Å"How It Feels to Be Colored Me† dealt with a time period after slavery was abolished, but discrimination and segregation were still present in people’s mind s. Through humor, anecdote and metaphor, Hurston addresses her personal experiences as a Negro in the 1900s. Zora grew up in a â€Å"blacks only† town in Eatonville, Florida not being able to fully differentiate between whites and blacks as an adolescent, Zora displayed herself as a jester to the white people that would onlyRead MoreWhat Was The Overall Impact Of The Harlem Renaissance1110 Words   |  5 Pages21. Why is the Wall Street Crash of 1929 considered the beginning of the end of the Harlem Renaissance? The financial support of African Americans by rich whites came to end after the Wall Street Crash. 22. Who is the author of Their Eyes Were Watching God and when was it published? The author of Their Eyes Was Watching God is Zora Neal Hurston and was published in 1973. 23. What was the overall impact of the Harlem Renaissance? The Harlem Renaissance help to how American view African AmericanRead MoreNeo Slavery and Famous Journalist Douglas A. Blackmon 548 Words   |  2 PagesUniversity where he got his degrees in English. Throughout life his career has been mainly focused on the history of race and human rights. Blackmon has worked in a variety of places though out his career such as the Atlanta Journal Constitution, The Wall Street Journal, and in 2011 he joined the Washington Post. Blackmon had helped human rights movement by using his journalism and books to help bring certain issues to the public. His journalism has covered a variety of things from Barack Obama election

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Host Chapter 22 Cracked Free Essays

Jeb put his hands behind his head and looked up at the dark ceiling, his face thoughtful. His chatty mood had not passed. â€Å"I’ve wondered a lot what it’s like-getting caught, you know. We will write a custom essay sample on The Host Chapter 22: Cracked or any similar topic only for you Order Now Saw it happen more than once, come close a few times myself. What would it be like, I wondered. Would it hurt, having something put in your head? I’ve seen it done, you know.† My eyes widened in surprise, but he wasn’t looking at me. â€Å"Seems like you all use some kind of anesthetic, but that’s just a guess. Nobody was screaming in agony or anything, though, so it couldn’t be too torturous.† I wrinkled my nose. Torture. No, that was the humans’ specialty. â€Å"Those stories you were telling the kid were real interesting.† I stiffened and he laughed lightly. â€Å"Yeah, I was listening. Eavesdropping, I’ll admit it. I’m not sorry-it was great stuff, and you won’t talk to me the way you do with Jamie. I really got a kick out of those bats and the plants and spiders. Gives a man lots to think about. Always liked to read crazy, out-there stuff, science fiction and whatnot. Ate that stuff up. And the kid’s like me-he’s read all the books I’ve got, two, three times apiece. Must be a treat for him to get some new stories. Sure is for me. You’re a good storyteller.† I kept my eyes down, but I felt myself softening, losing my guard a bit. Like anyone inside these emotional bodies, I was a sucker for flattery. â€Å"Everyone here thinks you hunted us out to turn us over to the Seekers.† The word sent a shock jolting through me. My jaw stiffened and my teeth cut my tongue. I tasted blood. â€Å"What other reason could there be?† he went on, oblivious to my reaction or ignoring it. â€Å"But they’re just trapped in fixed notions, I think. I’m the only one with questions†¦ I mean, what kind of a plan was that, to wander off into the desert without any way to get back?† He chuckled. â€Å"Wandering-guess that’s your specialty, eh, Wanda?† He leaned toward me and nudged me with one elbow. Wide with uncertainty, my eyes flickered to the floor, to his face, and back to the floor. He laughed again. â€Å"That trek was just a few steps shy of a successful suicide, in my opinion. Definitely not a Seeker’s MO, if you know what I mean. I’ve tried to reason it out. Use logic, right? So, if you didn’t have backup, which I’ve seen no sign of, and you had no way to get back, then you must’ve had a different goal. You haven’t been real talkative since you got here, ‘cept with the kid just now, but I’ve listened to what you have said. Kind of seems to me like the reason you almost died out there was ’cause you were hell-bent on finding that kid and Jared.† I closed my eyes. â€Å"Only why would you care?† Jeb asked, expecting no answer, just musing. â€Å"So, this is how I see it: either you’re a really good actress-like a super-Seeker, some new breed, sneakier than the first-with some kind of a plan I can’t figure out, or you’re not acting. The first seems like a pretty complicated explanation for your behavior, then and now, and I don’t buy it. â€Å"But if you’re not acting†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He paused for a moment. â€Å"Spent a lot of time watching your kind. I was always waiting for them to change, you know, when they didn’t have to act like us anymore, because there was no one to act for. I kept on watching and waiting, but they just kept on actin’ like humans. Staying with their bodies’ families, going out for picnics in good weather, plantin’ flowers and paintin’ pictures and all the rest of it. I’ve been wondering if you all aren’t turning sort of human. If we don’t have some real influence, in the end.† He waited, giving me a chance to respond. I didn’t. â€Å"Saw something a few years ago that stuck with me. Old man and woman, well, the bodies of an old man and an old woman. Been together so long that the skin on their fingers grew in ridges around their wedding rings. They were holding hands, and he kissed her on her cheek, and she blushed under all those wrinkles. Occurred to me that you have all the same feelings we have, because you’re really us, not just hands in a puppet.† â€Å"Yes,† I whispered. â€Å"We have all the same feelings. Human feelings. Hope, and pain, and love.† â€Å"So, if you aren’t acting†¦ well, then I’d swear to it that you loved them both. You do. Wanda, not just Mel’s body.† I put my head down on my arms. The gesture was tantamount to an admission, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t hold it up anymore. â€Å"So that’s you. But I wonder about my niece, too. What it was like for her, what it would be like for me. When they put somebody inside your head, are you just†¦ gone? Erased? Like being dead? Or is it like being asleep? Are you aware of the outside control? Is it aware of you? Are you trapped there, screaming inside?† I sat very still, trying to keep my face smooth. â€Å"Plainly, your memories and behaviors, all that is left behind. But your consciousness†¦ Seems like some people wouldn’t go down without a fight. Hell, I know I would try to stay-never been one to take no for an answer, anyone will tell you that. I’m a fighter. All of us who are left are fighters. And, you know, I woulda pegged Mel for a fighter, too.† He didn’t move his eyes from the ceiling, but I looked at the floor-stared at it, memorizing the patterns in the purple gray dust. â€Å"Yeah, I’ve wondered about that a lot.† I could feel his eyes on me now, though my head was still down. I didn’t move, except to breathe slowly in and out. It took a great deal of effort to keep that slow rhythm smooth. I had to swallow; the blood was still flowing in my mouth. Why did we ever think he was crazy? Mel wondered. He sees everything. He’s a genius. He’s both. Well, maybe this means we don’t have to keep quiet anymore. He knows. She was hopeful. She’d been very quiet lately, absent almost half the time. It wasn’t as easy for her to concentrate when she was relatively happy. She’d won her big fight. She’d gotten us here. Her secrets were no longer in jeopardy; Jared and Jamie could never be betrayed by her memories. With the fight taken out of her, it was harder for her to find the will to speak, even to me. I could see how the idea of discovery-of having the other humans recognize her existence-invigorated her. Jeb knows, yes. Does that really change anything? She thought about the way the other humans looked at Jeb. Right. She sighed. But I think Jamie†¦ well, he doesn’t know or guess, but I think he feels the truth. You might be right. I guess we’ll see if that does him or us any good, in the end. Jeb could only manage to keep quiet for a few seconds, and then he was off again, interrupting us. â€Å"Pretty interesting stuff. Not as much bang! bang! as the movies I used to like. But still pretty interesting. I’d like to hear more about those spider thingies. I’m real curious†¦ real curious, for sure.† I took a deep breath and raised my head. â€Å"What do you want to know?† He smiled at me warmly, his eyes crinkling into half moons. â€Å"Three brains, right?† I nodded. â€Å"How many eyes?† â€Å"Twelve-one at each juncture of the leg and the body. We didn’t have lids, just a lot of fibers-like steel wool eyelashes-to protect them.† He nodded, his eyes bright. â€Å"Were they furry, like tarantulas?† â€Å"No. Sort of†¦ armored-scaled, like a reptile or a fish.† I slouched against the wall, settling myself in for a long conversation. Jeb didn’t disappoint on that count. I lost track of how many questions he asked me. He wanted details-the Spiders’ looks, their behaviors, and how they’d handled Earth. He didn’t flinch away from the invasion details; on the contrary, he almost seemed to enjoy that part more than the rest. His questions came fast on the heels of my answers, and his grins were frequent. When he was satisfied about the Spiders, hours later, he wanted to know more about the Flowers. â€Å"You didn’t half explain that one,† he reminded me. So I told him about that most beautiful and placid of planets. Almost every time I stopped to breathe, he interrupted me with a new question. He liked to guess the answers before I could speak and didn’t seem to mind getting them wrong in the least. â€Å"So did ya eat flies, like a Venus flytrap? I’ll bet you did-or maybe something bigger, like a bird-like a pterodactyl!† â€Å"No, we used sunlight for food, like most plants here.† â€Å"Well, that’s not as much fun as my idea.† Sometimes I found myself laughing with him. We were just moving on to the Dragons when Jamie showed up with dinner for three. â€Å"Hi, Wanderer,† he said, a little embarrassed. â€Å"Hi, Jamie,† I answered, a little shy, not sure if he would regret the closeness we’d shared. I was, after all, the bad guy. But he sat down right next to me, between me and Jeb, crossing his legs and setting the food tray in the middle of our little conclave. I was starving, and parched from all the talking. I took a bowl of soup and downed it in a few gulps. â€Å"Shoulda known you were just being polite in the mess hall today. Gotta speak up when you’re hungry, Wanda. I’m no mind reader.† I didn’t agree with that last part, but I was too busy chewing a mouthful of bread to answer. â€Å"Wanda?† Jamie asked. I nodded, letting him know that I didn’t mind. â€Å"Kinda suits her, doncha think?† Jeb was so proud of himself, I was surprised he didn’t pat himself on the back, just for effect. â€Å"Kinda, I guess,† Jamie said. â€Å"Were you guys talking about dragons?† â€Å"Yeah,† Jeb told him enthusiastically, â€Å"but not the lizardy kind. They’re all made up of jelly. They can fly, though†¦ sort of. The air’s thicker, sort of jelly, too. So it’s almost like swimming. And they can breathe acid-that’s about as good as fire, wouldn’t you say?† I let Jeb fill Jamie in on the details while I ate more than my share of food and drained a water bottle. When my mouth was free, Jeb started in with the questions again. â€Å"Now, this acid†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Jamie didn’t ask questions the way Jeb did, and I was more careful about what I said with him there. However, this time Jeb never asked anything that might lead to a touchy subject, whether by coincidence or design, so my caution wasn’t necessary. The light slowly faded until the hallway was black. Then it was silver, a tiny, dim reflection from the moon that was just enough, as my eyes adjusted, to see the man and the boy beside me. Jamie edged closer to me as the night wore on. I didn’t realize that I was combing my fingers through his hair as I talked until I noticed Jeb staring at my hand. I folded my arms across my body. Finally, Jeb yawned a huge yawn that had me and Jamie doing the same. â€Å"You tell a good story, Wanda,† Jeb said when we were all done stretching. â€Å"It’s what I did†¦ before. I was a teacher, at the university in San Diego. I taught history.† â€Å"A teacher!† Jeb repeated, excited. â€Å"Well, ain’t that amazin’? There’s something we could use around here. Mag’s girl Sharon does the teaching for the three kids, but there’s a lot she can’t help with. She’s most comfortable with math and the like. History, now -â€Å" â€Å"I only taught our history,† I interrupted. Waiting for him to take a breath wasn’t going to work, it seemed. â€Å"I wouldn’t be much help as a teacher here. I don’t have any training.† â€Å"Your history is better than nothing. Things we human folks ought to know, seeing as we live in a more populated universe than we were aware of.† â€Å"But I wasn’t a real teacher,† I told him, desperate. Did he honestly think anyone wanted to hear my voice, let alone listen to my stories? â€Å"I was sort of an honorary professor, almost a guest lecturer. They only wanted me because†¦ well, because of the story that goes along with my name.† â€Å"That’s the next one I was going to ask for,† Jeb said complacently. â€Å"We can talk about your teaching experience later. Now-why did they call you Wanderer? I’ve heard a bunch of odd ones, Dry Water, Fingers in the Sky, Falling Upward-all mixed in, of course, with the Pams and the Jims. I tell you, it’s the kind of thing that can drive a man crazy with curiosity.† I waited till I was sure he was done to begin. â€Å"Well, the way it usually works is that a soul will try out a planet or two-two’s the average-and then they’ll settle in their favorite place. They just move to new hosts in the same species on the same planet when their body gets close to death. It’s very disorienting moving from one kind of body to the next. Most souls really hate that. Some never move from the planet they are born on. Occasionally, someone has a hard time finding a good fit. They may try three planets. I met a soul once who’d been to five before he’d settled with the Bats. I liked it there-I suppose that’s the closest I’ve ever come to choosing a planet. If it hadn’t been for the blindness†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"How many planets have you lived on?† Jamie asked in a hushed voice. Somehow, while I’d been talking, his hand had found its way into mine. â€Å"This is my ninth,† I told him, squeezing his fingers gently. â€Å"Wow, nine!† he breathed. â€Å"That’s why they wanted me to teach. Anybody can tell them our statistics, but I have personal experience from most of the planets we’ve†¦ taken.† I hesitated at that word, but it didn’t seem to bother Jamie. â€Å"There are only three I’ve never been to-well, now four. They just opened a new world.† I expected Jeb to jump in with questions about the new world, or the ones I’d skipped, but he just played absently with the ends of his beard. â€Å"Why did you never stay anywhere?† Jamie asked. â€Å"I never found a place I liked enough to stay.† â€Å"What about Earth? Do you think you’ll stay here?† I wanted to smile at his child’s confidence-as if I were going to get the chance to ever move on to another host. As if I were going to get the chance to live out even another month in the one I had. â€Å"Earth is†¦ very interesting,† I murmured. â€Å"It’s harder than any place I’ve been before.† â€Å"Harder than the place with the frozen air and the claw beasts?† he asked. â€Å"In its own way, yes.† How could I explain that the Mists Planet only came at you from the outside-it was much more difficult to be attacked from within. Attacked, Melanie scoffed. I yawned. I wasn’t actually thinking of you, I told her. I was thinking of these unstable emotions, always betraying me. But you did attack me. Pushing your memories on me that way. I learned my lesson, she assured me dryly. I could feel how intensely aware she was of the hand in mine. There was an emotion slowly building in her that I didn’t recognize. Something on the edge of anger, with a hint of desire and a portion of despair. Jealousy, she enlightened me. Jeb yawned again. â€Å"I’m being downright rude, I guess. You must be bushed-walking all over today and then me keepin’ you up half the night talking. Ought to be a better host. C’mon, Jamie, let’s go and let Wanda get some sleep.† I was exhausted. It felt as if it had been a very long day, and, from Jeb’s words, perhaps that wasn’t in my imagination. â€Å"Okay, Uncle Jeb.† Jamie jumped lightly to his feet and then offered his hand to the old man. â€Å"Thanks, kid.† Jeb groaned as he got up. â€Å"And thanks to you, too,† he added in my direction. â€Å"Most interesting conversation I’ve had in†¦ well, probably forever. Rest your voice up, Wanda, because my curiosity is a powerful thing. Ah, there he is! ‘Bout time.† Only then did I hear the sound of approaching footsteps. Automatically, I shrank against the wall and scooted farther back into the cave-room, and then felt more exposed because the moonlight was brighter inside. I was surprised that this was the first person to turn in for the night; the corridor appeared to house many. â€Å"Sorry, Jeb. I got to talking with Sharon, and then I sort of dozed off.† It was impossible not to recognize this easy, gentle voice. My stomach rolled, unstable, and I wished it were empty. â€Å"We didn’t even notice, Doc,† Jeb said. â€Å"We were having the time of our lives here. Someday you’ll have to get her to tell you some of her stories-great stuff. Not tonight, though. She’s got to be pretty worn out, I’d bet. We’ll see you in the morning.† The doctor was spreading a mat out in front of the cave entrance, just as Jared had. â€Å"Keep an eye on this,† Jeb said, laying the gun beside the mat. â€Å"Are you okay, Wanda?† Jamie asked. â€Å"You’re shaking.† I hadn’t realized it, but my whole body was quivering. I didn’t answer him-my throat felt swollen shut. â€Å"Now, now,† Jeb said in a soothing voice. â€Å"I asked Doc if he minded taking a shift. You don’t need to worry about anything. Doc’s an honorable man.† The doctor smiled a sleepy smile. â€Å"I’m not going to hurt you†¦ Wanda, is it? I promise. I’ll just keep watch while you sleep.† I bit my lip, and the quivering didn’t stop. Jeb seemed to think everything was settled, though. â€Å"Night, Wanda. Night, Doc,† he said as he started back down the hall. Jamie hesitated, looking at me with a worried expression. â€Å"Doc’s okay,† he promised in a whisper. â€Å"C’mon, boy, it’s late!† Jamie hurried off after Jeb. I watched the doctor when they were gone, waiting for some change. Doc’s relaxed expression didn’t waver, though, and he didn’t touch the gun. He stretched his long frame out on the mat, his calves and feet hanging off the end. Lying down, he looked much smaller, he was so rail thin. â€Å"Good night,† he murmured drowsily. Of course I didn’t answer. I watched him in the dull moonlight, timing the rise and fall of his chest by the sound of the pulse thudding in my ears. His breathing slowed and got deeper, and then he began to quietly snore. It could have been an act, but even if it was, there wasn’t much I could do about it. Silently, I crept deeper into the room, till I felt the edge of the mattress against my back. I’d promised myself that I would not disturb this place, but it probably wouldn’t hurt anything if I just curled up on the foot of the bed. The floor was rough and so hard. The sound of the doctor’s soft snoring was comforting; even if it was put on to calm me, at least I knew exactly where he was in the darkness. Live or die, I figured I might as well go ahead and sleep. I was dog tired, as Melanie would say. I let my eyes close. The mattress was softer than anything I’d touched since coming here. I relaxed, sinking in†¦ There was a low shuffling sound-it was inside the room with me. My eyes popped open, and I could see a shadow between the moonlit ceiling and me. Outside, the doctor’s snores continued uninterrupted. How to cite The Host Chapter 22: Cracked, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Crafting A Policy That Fits Process Auditorâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Crafting A Policy That Fits Process Auditor? Answer: Introducation (a): According to accounting standards or guidelines in auditing standards, the auditor should not involve in any internal practices or services of the client or business organisation. According to auditing standard, the auditor is required to provide auditing services and consultancy services only and there shall be no link between auditor and client (business organisation). In this case, Thornleigh Accountants (accounting / auditing firm) has supplied one of their staff members i.e. Ellen Davis to Jenkins Ltd (clients firm) and she had prepared accounts for 4 months. Now, she has to review his own work as an auditor, therefore this is the case of self-review thread to auditor independence (Abdul, et. al, 2015). Self-review threat denotes the situation where the auditor is required to give assurance of clients financial statements, which is prepared by any staff member of an accounting firm or by the auditor. Safeguard against such a satiation is to minimise non audit service to cli ent and if provided then client will be responsible for the same. (b): There is no auditing standard or guidelines on the same related to proof supplied by the client to auditing firm. Supplying proof of accounting treatment by the client company to the audit firm is treated as good practice and there is no offence in any way. In the present case, Winmalee Ltd (client organisation) has supplied annual accounts to the auditing firm (Dargin Associates Accountants) and along with this, they had supplied details taken from various accounting standards related to the optimistic valuation of development expenditure capitalised in intangible assets (Blay, 2005). Therefore there is no breach of auditors independence and no threat to independence will be applied. (c): According to auditing standards or guidelines on auditing standards, auditor and client shall not be involved in any friendly relationship or there shall not be any nexus between them. The auditor shall be free from any biases or should be independent in terms of stating his / her views on the financial position of the client or business organisation. In this case, Chocolate Company has invited auditor to the place where they sold defective chocolates at concessional prices. This can be the case of familiarity threat for auditor since auditor get familiar with the staff members or with auditors on such basis (Bolton, 2007). In the present case, this is the visit of the auditor is an indirect gift for auditor and audit staff and this can be treated as a familiar threat. In order to overcome this threat, education to auditors shall be provided related to nature of acceptance of gifts and how to handle this situation. (d): In any case, the scope of the audit shall not be reduced either by the auditor or by the business entity i.e. client. Reducing the scope of audit means reducing the quality of auditing standards, which is not acceptable according to guidelines. In this case, Expert Travel Company (Client Company) has been putting undue pressure on the auditors firm by stating them to be lenient while auditing. Expert Travel Company has been utilising services of same auditors firm from last two years and while finalising the next years auditors, managing director wants to auditors to adopt a flexible approach in the next years audit. In this case, there can be intimidation threat and self-interest threat from the auditors. Since audit partner is concern about losing a client (Cook, et. al, 2009). On the other hand, the client is outing undue pressure on auditors by saying that they should be flexible while auditing. (e): According to auditing standards and its guidelines, no auditor shall be connected to the clients organisation in any capacity. When this case it tends to happen, the auditor will not be able to conduct audit independence and he / she will get biased in his / her opinion. In the present case, Elmtree Ltd.s audit is about to begin, but it is noticed that senior member of an audit team or auditing firm (Elaine Ong) is engaged with a senior accountant (James Bing) of Elmtree Ltd. In this case, there can be familiarity threat to auditors independence. Since one of the audit team members has been associated with a senior accountant at clients company. In order to overcome this threat, procedures shall be laid down when auditing in such a case i.e. having a close relationship with the client (Dart and Chandler, 2012). (f): In order to prove there is close proximity between client organisation or client and auditor or auditing firm, there shall be conclusive proof of the same. In the present case, MCM Accountants, that are about to start an audit of Rangers Ltd, it is noticed that one of the senior auditors (Diane Polo) in the audit section is in same softball team in which senior accountant (Elise Lift) and several staff members are in. In this case, there is no close proximity between audit and clients organisation or there is no familiarity between them (Johari, Mohd?Sanusi and Chong, 2017). Therefore it can be concluded that in this case, there is no threat to independence for auditors. The annual report is the report that auditor submits to the business organisation i.e. to which financial statements were verified and financial position has been reviewed. The audit report is one of the important documents that are relied on in the decision-making process and at the time of reviewing business organisation by any stakeholders. The main aim of issuing an audit report by the auditors is to express their view on the true and fair view of financial statements and financial position of the business entity. But there is many other section or information in the audit report that auditor issues to the management of business organisation (Chen Pevzner, 2012). Following are some sections of the audit report of the financial statements of a public company: Title of independent audit report Statement for acknowledging the attached financial statements are audited Statements that states that financial statement preparation is the responsibility of management and auditors responsibility are to just express opinion on the same Statement that audit has been conducted by adopting and applying all the relevant and required auditing standards Statement that states that reasonable assurance has been obtained while auditing Statement stating that opinion has been made on the reasonable basis Most important section of the audit report is auditors opinion i.e. unqualified opinion, qualified opinion, adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion. Signature of auditor or auditors firm at the end of audit report City and State of the audit Date of audit report References Abdul Wahab, E.A., Mat Zain, M. Abdul Rahman, R., 2015. Political connections: a threat to auditor independence? Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 5(2), pp.222246. Blay, A.D., 2005. Independence Threats, Litigation Risk, and the Auditor's Decision Process*. Contemporary Accounting Research, 22(4), pp.759789. Bolton, L., 2007. Auditor Independence: what investors think. Accountancy, 140(1369), pp.9495. Chen, Krishnan Pevzner, 2012. Pro forma disclosures, audit fees, and auditor resignations. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 31(3), pp.237257. Cook, John K., Brown, Kevin F. Lightle, Susan S., 2009. Voluntary disclosure agreements and auditor independence: crafting a policy that fits the process.(practice management). The CPA Journal, 79(12), pp.6062,6466. Dart, E. Chandler, R., 2012. Client employment of previous auditors: shareholders views on auditor independence. Accounting and Business Research, pp.120. Johari, R.J., Mohd?Sanusi, Z. Chong, V.K., 2017. Effects of Auditors' Ethical Orientation and Self?Interest Independence Threat on the Mediating Role of Moral Intensity and Ethical Decision?Making Process. International Journal of Auditing, 21(1), pp.3858. Kipp, P. et al., 2017. The Effect of Expanded Audit Report Disclosures on Users' Confidence in the Audit and the Financial Statements. The Effect of Expanded Audit Report Disclosures on Users' Confidence in the Audit and the Financial Statements, pp.ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare Essays -

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Time and Fate in Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet, said to be one of the most famous love stories of all times, is a play anchored on time and fate. Some actions are believed to occur by chance or by destiny. The timing of each action influences the outcome of the play. While some events are of less significance, some are crucial to the development of this tragedy. The substantial events that inspire the conclusion of Romeo and Juliet are; the Capulet ball, the quarrel experienced by Tybalt and Romeo, and Friar John's plague. A servant to Capulet, who is incapable of reading the list of guests, asks for Romeo's assistance. Romeo notices that Rosaline, his lover, is among these names. Benvolio challenges Romeo to compare her with other "beauties." Benvolio predicts, "Compare her face with some that I shall show,/ And I will make thee think thy swan a crow." (I, ii, l 86-87) To show his appreciation, the servant asks for Romeo's presence at the ball. Romeo should have considered the servant's warning; if Romeo occupies the name of Montague, he shall not be permitted. Once at the ball, Romeo is searching for a maiden to substitute the unrequited love of Rosaline. Romeo happens to gaze upon Juliet, who charms Romeo. Romeo proclaims, " Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For ne'er saw true beauty till this night." (I, v, l 52-53) Since Romeo declares his love for Juliet, she feels the attraction also. They believe that they are in love and must marry. However, it is a genuine coincidence that Romeo and Juliet were at the same place, at the same time. Some days after the ball, Benvolio and Mercutio are conversing, in regard to the quarrelsome weather. Benvolio declares, "The day is hot, the Capulets abroad,/ And if we meet we shall not ?scape a brawl,/ For now these got days is the mad blood stirring." (III, i, l 2-4) At this point, Tybalt, who has challenged Romeo because of his appearance at the masquerade, enters, seeking Romeo. On Romeo's behalf, Mercutio struggles with Tybalt, while Romeo, who is filled with love for his new cousin, tries to end their boldness. Before escaping, Tybalt plunges his sword into Mercutio, causing death to fall upon him. Mercutio blames Romeo and the feud for his fate. Romeo kills Tybalt, who taunts Romeo, upon his return. Romeo fears he will be condemned to death if he does not flee before the arrival of the Prince. Benvolio recalls the events that have happened, with some embellishment. The Prince declares: And for that offence/ Immediately we do exile him hence./ I hav an in your hate's proceeding,/ My blood for your rude brawls doth lie a-bleeding;/ But I'll amerce you with so strong a fine/ That you shall repent the loss of mine./ I will be deaf to pleading and excuses;/ Nor tears nor prayers shall purchase out abuses;/ Therefore use none. Let Romeo hence in haste,/ Else, when he's found, that hour is his last./ Bear hence this body and attend our will./ Mercy but murders, pardoning those that kill. (III, i, l 185-195) Due to the disturbance of Verona's street and the losses of Tybalt and Mercutio, the Prince must penalize Romeo. However, the Prince agrees that Romeo was acting in self defense. Juliet, who desires not to wed Paris, asks for Friar Laurence's assistance. The day before the wedding, Juliet is to drink the poison, which will make her appear to be dead. In forty two hours she shall awake, with Romeo by her side. Romeo will then bring her to Mantua with him. In the meantime Friar Laurence will convey a message to Romeo in Mantua, telling him the plot. When she gains consciousness, Romeo and Friar Laurence will be there. Friar Laurence says, "Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift,/ And hither shall he come; and he and I/ Will watch thy waking" (IV, i, l 114-116) Following Juliet's intake of the poison, Romeo is anticipating news from Verona. Balthasar, a servant to Romeo, tells Romeo that Juliet has passed on. Romeo, who is told there are no letters from the friar, seeks a way to accomplish his suicide. Meanwhile, Friar Laurence, confronts Friar John, who was to deliver the letter to Romeo. Friar John informs Friar Laurence that he was seeking another Franciscan, who was visiting the sick, to accompany him to Mantua. He says, "Suspecting that we both were in a house/ Where the infectious pestilence did reingn,/ Seal'd up the Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare Essays - Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare Time and Fate in Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet, said to be one of the most famous love stories of all times, is a play anchored on time and fate. Some actions are believed to occur by chance or by destiny. The timing of each action influences the outcome of the play. While some events are of less significance, some are crucial to the development of this tragedy. The substantial events that inspire the conclusion of Romeo and Juliet are; the Capulet ball, the quarrel experienced by Tybalt and Romeo, and Friar John's plague. A servant to Capulet, who is incapable of reading the list of guests, asks for Romeo's assistance. Romeo notices that Rosaline, his lover, is among these names. Benvolio challenges Romeo to compare her with other beauties. Benvolio predicts, Compare her face with some that I shall show,/ And I will make thee think thy swan a crow. (I, ii, l 86-87) To show his appreciation, the servant asks for Romeo's presence at the ball. Romeo should have considered the servant's warning; if Romeo occupies the name of Montague, he shall not be permitted. Once at the ball, Romeo is searching for a maiden to substitute the unrequited love of Rosaline. Romeo happens to gaze upon Juliet, who charms Romeo. Romeo proclaims, Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For ne'er saw true beauty till this night. (I, v, l 52-53) Since Romeo declares his love for Juliet, she feels the attraction also. They believe that they are in love and must marry. However, it is a genuine coincidence that Romeo and Juliet were at the same place, at the same time. Some days after the ball, Benvolio and Mercutio are conversing, in regard to the quarrelsome weather. Benvolio declares, The day is hot, the Capulets abroad,/ And if we meet we shall not ?scape a brawl,/ For now these got days is the mad blood stirring. (III, i, l 2-4) At this point, Tybalt, who has challenged Romeo because of his appearance at the masquerade, enters, seeking Romeo. On Romeo's behalf, Mercutio struggles with Tybalt, while Romeo, who is filled with love for his new cousin, tries to end their boldness. Before escaping, Tybalt plunges his sword into Mercutio, causing death to fall upon him. Mercutio blames Romeo and the feud for his fate. Romeo kills Tybalt, who taunts Romeo, upon his return. Romeo fears he will be condemned to death if he does not flee before the arrival of the Prince. Benvolio recalls the events that have happened, with some embellishment. The Prince declares: And for that offence/ Immediately we do exile him hence./ I hav an in your hate's proceeding,/ My blood for your rude brawls doth lie a-bleeding;/ But I'll amerce you with so strong a fine/ That you shall repent the loss of mine./ I will be deaf to pleading and excuses;/ Nor tears nor prayers shall purchase out abuses;/ Therefore use none. Let Romeo hence in haste,/ Else, when he's found, that hour is his last./ Bear hence this body and attend our will./ Mercy but murders, pardoning those that kill. (III, i, l 185-195) Due to the disturbance of Verona's street and the losses of Tybalt and Mercutio, the Prince must penalize Romeo. However, the Prince agrees that Romeo was acting in self defense. Juliet, who desires not to wed Paris, asks for Friar Laurence's assistance. The day before the wedding, Juliet is to drink the poison, which will make her appear to be dead. In forty two hours she shall awake, with Romeo by her side. Romeo will then bring her to Mantua with him. In the meantime Friar Laurence will convey a message to Romeo in Mantua, telling him the plot. When she gains consciousness, Romeo and Friar Laurence will be there. Friar Laurence says, Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift,/ And hither shall he come; and he and I/ Will watch thy waking (IV, i, l 114-116) Following Juliet's intake of the poison, Romeo is anticipating news from Verona. Balthasar, a servant to Romeo, tells Romeo that Juliet has passed on. Romeo, who is told there are no

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The History of How Cows Were Domesticated

The History of How Cows Were Domesticated According to archaeological and genetic evidence, wild cattle or aurochs (Bos primigenius) were likely domesticated independently at least twice and perhaps three times. A distantly related Bos species, the yak (Bos grunniens grunniens or Poephagus grunniens) was domesticated from its still-living wild form, B. grunniens or B. grunniens mutus. As domesticated animals go, cattle are among the earliest, perhaps because of the multitude of useful products they provide humans: food products such as milk, blood, fat, and meat; secondary products such as clothing and tools manufactured from hair, hides, horns, hooves and bones; dung for fuel; as well as load-bearers and for pulling plows. Culturally, cattle are banked resources, which can provide bride-wealth and trade as well as rituals such as feasting and sacrifices. Aurochs were significant enough to Upper Paleolithic hunters in Europe to be included in cave paintings such as those of Lascaux. Aurochs were one of the largest herbivores in Europe, with the largest bulls reaching shoulder heights of between 160-180 centimeters (5.2-6 feet), with massive frontal horns of up to 80 cm (31 inches) in length. Wild yaks have black upward- and backward-curving horns and long shaggy black to brown coats. The adult males can be 2 m (6.5 ft) high, over 3 m (10 ft) long and can weigh between 600-1200 kilograms (1300-2600 pounds); females weigh only 300 kg (650 pounds) on average. Domestication Evidence Archaeologists and biologists are agreed that there is strong evidence for two distinct domestication events from aurochs: B. taurus in the near east about 10,500 years ago, and B. indicus in the Indus valley of the Indian subcontinent  about 7,000 years ago. There may have been a third auroch domesticate in Africa (tentatively called  B. africanus), about 8,500 years ago. Yaks were domesticated in central Asia about 7,000-10,000 years ago. Recent mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) studies also indicate that B. taurus was introduced into Europe and Africa where they interbred with local wild animals (aurochs). Whether these occurrences should be considered as separate domestication events is somewhat under debate. Recent genomic studies (Decker et al. 2014) of 134 modern breeds supports the presence of the three domestication events, but also found evidence for later migration waves of animals to and from the three main loci of domestication. Modern cattle are significantly different today from the earliest domesticated versions. Three Auroch Domesticates Bos taurus The taurine (humpless cattle, B. taurus) was most likely domesticated somewhere in the Fertile Crescent about 10,500 years ago. The earliest substantive evidence for cattle domestication anywhere in the world is the Pre-Pottery Neolithic cultures in the Taurus Mountains. One strong strand of evidence of the locus of domestication for any animal or plant is genetic diversity: places that developed a plant or animal generally have high diversity in those species; places where the domesticates were brought in, have lesser diversity. The highest diversity of genetics in cattle is in the Taurus Mountains. A gradual decline in overall body size of aurochs, a characteristic of domestication, is seen at several sites in southeastern Turkey, beginning as early as the late 9th at Cayonu Tepesi. Small-bodied cattle do not appear in archaeological assemblages in the eastern Fertile Crescent until relatively late (6th millennium BC), and then abruptly. Based on that, Arbuckle et al. (2016) surmise that domestic cattle arose in the upper reaches of the Euphrates river. Taurine cattle were traded across the planet, first into Neolithic Europe about 6400 BC; and they appear in archaeological sites as far away as northeastern Asia (China, Mongolia, Korea) by about 5000 years ago. Bos indicus (or B. taurus indicus) Recent mtDNA evidence for domesticated zebu (humped cattle, B. indicus) suggests that two major lineages of B. indicus are currently present in modern animals. One (called I1) predominates in southeast Asia and southern China and is likely to have been domesticated in the Indus Valley region of what is today Pakistan. Evidence of the transition of wild to domestic B. indicus is in evidence in Harappan sites such as Mehrgahr about 7,000 years ago. The second strain, I2, may have been captured in East Asia, but apparently was also domesticated in the Indian subcontinent, based on the presence of a broad range of diverse genetic elements. The evidence for this strain is not entirely conclusive as of yet. Possible: Bos africanus or Bos taurus Scholars are divided about the likelihood of a third domestication event having occurred in Africa. The earliest domesticated cattle in Africa have been found at Capeletti, Algeria, about 6500 BP, but Bos remains are found at African sites in what is now Egypt, such as Nabta Playa and Bir Kiseiba, as long ago as 9,000 years, and they may be domesticated. Early cattle remains have also been found at Wadi el-Arab (8500-6000 BC) and El Barga (6000-5500 BC). One significant difference for taurine cattle in Africa is a genetic tolerance to trypanosomosis, the disease spread by the tsetse fly which causes anemia and parasitemia in cattle, but the exact genetic marker for that trait has not been identified to date. A recent study (Stock and Gifford-Gonzalez 2013) found that although genetic evidence for African domesticated cattle is not as comprehensive or detailed as that for  other forms of cattle, what there is available suggests that domestic cattle in Africa are the result of wild aurochs having been introduced into local domestic B. taurus populations. A genomic study published in 2014 (Decker et al.) indicates that while considerable introgression and breeding practices have altered the population structure of modern day cattle, there is still consistent evidence for three major groups of domestic cattle. Lactase Persistence One recent strain of evidence for the domestication of cattle comes from the study of lactase persistence, the ability to digest milk sugar lactose in adults (the opposite of lactose intolerance). Most mammals, including humans, can tolerate milk as infants, but after weaning, they lose that ability. Only about 35% of people in the world are able to digest milk sugars as adults without discomfort, a trait called lactase persistence. This is a genetic trait, and it is theorized that it would have selected for in human populations that had ready access to fresh milk. Early Neolithic populations who domesticated sheep, goats and cattle would not have yet developed this trait, and probably processed the milk into cheese, yogurt, and butter prior to consuming it. Lactase persistence has been connected most directly with the spread of dairying practices associated with cattle, sheep, and goats into Europe by Linearbandkeramik populations beginning about 5000 BC. And a Yak (Bos grunniens grunniens or Poephagus grunniens) The domestication of yaks may well have made human colonization of the high Tibetan Plateau (also known as Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau) possible. Yaks are extremely well adapted to the arid steppes at high elevations, where low oxygen, high solar radiation, and extreme cold are common. In addition to the milk, meat, blood, fat, and pack energy benefits, perhaps the most important yak byproduct in the cool, arid climate is dung. The availability of yak dung as a fuel was a critical factor in allowing for the colonization of the high region, where other fuel sources are lacking. Yaks possess large lungs and hearts, expansive sinuses, long hair, thick soft fur (very useful for cold-weather clothing), and few sweat glands. Their blood contains a high hemoglobin concentration and red blood cell count, all of which make cold adaptations possible. Domestic Yaks The main difference between wild and domestic yaks is their size. Domestic yaks are smaller than their wild relatives: adults are generally no more than 1.5 m (5 ft) tall, with males weighing between 300-500 kg (600-1100 lbs), and females between 200-300 kg (440-600 lbs). They have white or piebald coats and lack gray-white muzzle hairs. They can and do interbreed with wild yaks, and all yaks have the high altitude physiology they are prized for. There are three types of domestic yaks in China, based on morphology, physiology, and geographical distribution: a valley type distributed in the valleys of north and east Tibet, and some parts of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces;a plateau grassland type mainly found in the high, cold pastures and steppes that maintain an annual average temperature below 2 degrees centigrade;and white yaks found in almost every region in China. Domesticating the Yak Historical reports dated to the Chinese Han Dynasty state that yaks were domesticated by the Qiang people during the Longshan culture period in China, about 5,000 years ago. The Qiang were ethnic groups who inhabited the Tibetan Plateau borderlands including Qinghai Lake. Han Dynasty records also say the Qiang people had a Yak State during the Han dynasty, 221 BC-220 AD, based on a highly successful trade network. Trade routes involving domestic yak were recorded beginning in the Qin dynasty records (221-207 BC)predating and no doubt part of precursors to the Silk Roadand cross-breeding experiments with Chinese yellow cattle to create the hybrid dzo are described there as well. Genetic (mtDNA) studies support the Han Dynasty records that yaks were domesticated on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, although the genetic data does not allow definitive conclusions to be drawn about the number of domestication events. The variety and distribution of mtDNA are not clear, and it is possible that multiple domestication events from the same gene pool, or interbreeding between wild and domesticated animals occurred. However, the mtDNA and archaeological results also blur the dating of the domestication. The earliest evidence for domesticated yak is from the Qugong site, ca. 3750-3100 calendar years ago (cal BP); and the Dalitaliha site, ca 3,000 cal BP near Qinghai Lake. Qugong has a large number of yak bones with an overall small stature; Dalitaliha has a clay figurine thought to represent a yak, the remnants of a wood-fenced corral, and fragments of hubs from spoked wheels. The mtDNA evidence suggests domestication took place as early as 10,000 years BP, and Guo et al. argue that the Qinghai lake Upper Paleolithic colonizers domesticated the yak. The most conservative conclusion to draw from this is that yaks were first domesticated in northern Tibet, probably the Qinghai Lake region, and were derived from wild yak for the production of wool, milk, meat and manual labor, at least 5000 cal bp. How Many Are There? Wild yaks were widespread and abundant in the Tibetan Plateau up until the late 20th century when hunters decimated their numbers. They are now considered highly endangered with an estimated population of ~15,000. They are protected by law but still illegally hunted. Domestic yaks, on the other hand, are abundant, an estimated 14-15 million in central highland Asia. The current distribution of yaks is from the southern slopes of the Himalayas to the Altai and Hangai Mountains of Mongolia and Russia. Approximately 14 million yaks live in China, representing about 95% of the worlds population; the remaining five percent are in Mongolia, Russia, Nepal, India, Bhutan, Sikkim and Pakistan. Sources lvarez I, Pà ©rez-Pardal L, Traorà © A, Fernndez I, and Goyache F. 2016. Lack of specific alleles for the bovine chemokine (C-X-C) receptor type 4 (CXCR4) gene in West African cattle questions its role as a candidate for trypanotolerance. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 42:30-33. Arbuckle BS, Price MD, Hongo H, and Ãâ€"ksà ¼z B. 2016. Documenting the initial appearance of domestic cattle in the Eastern Fertile Crescent (northern Iraq and western Iran). Journal of Archaeological Science 72:1-9. Cai D, Sun Y, Tang Z, Hu S, Li W, Zhao X, Xiang H, and Zhou H. 2014. The origins of Chinese domestic cattle as revealed by ancient DNA analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science 41:423-434. Colominas, Là ­dia. The impact of the Roman Empire on animal husbandry practices: study of the changes in cattle morphology in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula through osteometric and ancient DNA analyses.  Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Angela Schlumbaum, Maria Saà ±a, Volume 6, Issue 1, SpringerLink, March 2014. Ding XZ, Liang CN, Guo X, Wu XY, Wang HB, Johnson KA, and Yan P. 2014. Physiological insight into the high-altitude adaptations in domesticated yaks (Bos grunniens) along the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau altitudinal gradient. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019

For most people, working is simply a means to pay the bills, it has no Essay - 1

For most people, working is simply a means to pay the bills, it has no intrinsic worth. Discuss - Essay Example But the real truth is that regardless of whether one is a caveman or a city dweller, he or she has to make some effort to put food on his table, even if he does not have bills to pay. We work basically to feed our bellies. But is that enough? No, one might say, the glittering world of materialism makes us work towards buying a new set of sofas, a Plasma TV, a shiny new car and God knows what else all in the name of ‘necessity.’ The relationship between work, money and maintaining a lifestyle has corrupted us to such an extent that we have to work to keep up with the Joneses or have our name high up in society. In this essay, I am going to argue that work cannot simply be understood as the means to pay the bills – it has a far deeper meaning for individuals in our society than simply providing for wages or salary. However this does not necessarily mean that it has any intrinsic worth to the individual. Section One of my essay will discuss the readings of Jackson and Carter (2000) and O’Doherty (2006), whereby I shall explore the strong and deep connections between work and an individual’s sense of self- indeed, the search for a secure personal identity. In Section Two subsequently drawing upon the work of Rosen (1988) and others I will show how the managers of modern corporations are explicitly encouraged to design the workplace and motivate employees, so that these employees connect their sense of self with the organizations they work for. But even this does not adequately explain the whole meaning of work for individuals. In Section Three I will discuss the viewpoints made by Jackall (1988), Knights and Roberts (1982), and Morgan (2006) that show the anxiety, subordination and domination that may also describe the unfortunate experience of work for both managerial and non-managerial employees. In conclusion, I will reiterate that work for most of us today is more t han just the means to pay bills - however this does not necessarily mean